Keyword: news
Haim, M. & Puschmann, C. (2023). Device-dependent biases in mobile online news. Computational Communication Research, 5(1), 1-21.
Jungblut, M. & Haim, M. (2023). Visual gender stereotyping in campaign communication: Evidence on female and male candidate imagery in 28 countries. Communication Research, 50(5), 535-664.
Haim, M., Breuer, J., & Stier, S. (2021). Do news actually "find me"? Using digital behavioral data to study the news-finds-me phenomenon. Social Media + Society, 7(3).
Haim, M., Karlsson, M., Ferrer-Conill, R., Kammer, A., Elgesem, D., & Sjøvaag, H. (2021). You should read this study! It investigates Scandinavian social media logics ☝️. Digital Journalism, 9(4), 406-426.
Puschmann, C. & Haim, M. (2020). useNews. OSF,
Ferrer-Conill, R., Karlsson, M., Haim, M., Kammer, A., Elgesem, D., & Sjøvaag, H. (5/2020). Finding cultures of engagement? Comparing Scandinavian patterns of engagement with news posts on Facebook. Presented at the 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast.
Haim, M. & Jungblut, M. (5/2020). Politicians' self-depiction and news portrayal: Evidence from 28 countries. Presented at the 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast.
Haim, M. & Zamith, R. (2019). Open-source Trading Zones and Boundary Objects: Examining GitHub as a space for collaborating on "news." Media and Communication, 7(4), 80-91.
2020, Zur Vielfalt von Nachrichtenschlagzeilen bei Google. Funded by the Media Authorities (Medienanstalten) of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (MA HSH), Lower Saxony (NLM), and Baden-Württemberg (LFK).
Haim, M. (2019). Capturing the dynamics of online news. In P. Müller, S. Geiß, C. Schemer, T. K. Naab, & C. Peter (eds.), Dynamische Prozesse der öffentlichen Kommunikation. Methodische Herausforderungen (S. 38-56). Köln: Halem.
Haim, M. (2019). Die Orientierung von Online-Journalismus an seinen Publika. Anforderung, Antizipation, Anspruch. [The orientation of online journalism toward its audiences. Demand, anticipation, claim.] Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Haim, M. & Graefe, A. (2018). Automatisch interessant? Der Einfluss von Involvement auf die Wahrnehmung computergenerierter Texte. [Automatically interesting? Involvement's influence on the perception of computer-generated texts.] In P. Rössler & C. Rossmann (eds.), Kumulierte Evidenzen. Replikationsstudien in der empirischen Kommunikationsforschung (S. 189-206). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Springer, N. & Haim, M. (3/2018). Identifying the good and the bad: How machine learning is applied and applicable in the moderation of user comments on news. Invited presentation at ThursdAI, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA.
Haim, M. (9/2017). Up to date. Zu Aktualisierungsmustern und Änderungsintervallen im Online-Journalismus. [Up to date. Refresh cycles and update patterns in online journalism.] Presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the Methods Division of the DGPuK, Mainz.
Haim, M. (2015). Der Preis der Parteien. Zum Einfluss der Motivation der Teilnehmer von Wahl-Prognosemärkten auf ihr Verhalten. [The parties’ prices. On the influence of political stock market participants’ motivation on their behavior.] Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25(1), 27-52.
Obermaier, M., Haim, M., & Reinemann, C. (2014). Emotionen bewegen? Ein Experiment zur Wirkung von Medienbeiträgen mit Emotionalisierungspotenzial auf Emotionen, politische Partizipationsabsichten und weiterführende Informationssuche. [Moving emotions? An experiment on the impact of emotional media contributions on emotions, political participation, and further information-seeking.] Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 62(2), 216-235. *
Keyling, T. & Haim, M. (10/2014). Zur Stichprobenqualität von Online-Nachrichtenmedien. [On the quality of sampling in online media.] Presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the Methods Division of the DGPuK, Munich.