Keyword: information-seeking
Scherr, S., Arendt, F., & Haim, M. (2022). Algorithms without frontiers? How language-based algorithmic information disparities for suicide crisis information sustain digital divides over time in 17 countries. Information, Communication & Society, Advance Online Publication.
Haim, M., Scherr, S., & Arendt, F. (2021). How search engines may help reduce drug-related suicides. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 226(108874).
Haim, M., Scherr, S., & Arendt, F. (5/2021). Search engines can help prevent suicidal overdoses in the opioid crisis. Presented at the 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Denver.
Haim, M. (2020). Echokammer. [Echo chamber.] Journalistikon.
Unkel, J. & Haim, M. (2019). Replication Data for: Googling politics: Parties, sources, and issue ownerships on Google in the 2017 German Federal Election campaign. OSF,
2019: OsloMet Digital Journalism Research Fellow to the Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway.
2020, Zur Vielfalt von Nachrichtenschlagzeilen bei Google. Funded by the Media Authorities (Medienanstalten) of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (MA HSH), Lower Saxony (NLM), and Baden-Württemberg (LFK).
Scherr, S., Haim, M., & Arendt, F. (2019). Equal access to online information? Google's suicide-prevention disparities may amplify a global digital divide. New Media & Society, 21(3), 562–582.
Unkel, J. & Haim, M. (5/2018). Googling politics: Usage patterns, information sources, and issue ownerships in the 2017 German Federal Election. Presented at the 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Prag.
Haim, M., Arendt, F., & Scherr, S. (2017). Abyss or shelter? On the relevance of web search engines' search results when people google for suicide. Health Communication, 32(2), 253-258.
Haim, M., Arendt, F., & Scherr, S. (2016). Zum Einfluss von Suchmaschinen-Algorithmen auf das Erscheinen von Hinweisen zur Telefonseelsorge bei erhöhter Suizidalität. [The influence of search-engine algorithms on the display of helplines for increased suicidality.] In A.-L. Camerini, R. Ludolph, & F. Rothenfluh (eds.), Gesundheitskommunikation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis (S. 224-234). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Haim, M. (2015). Der Preis der Parteien. Zum Einfluss der Motivation der Teilnehmer von Wahl-Prognosemärkten auf ihr Verhalten. [The parties’ prices. On the influence of political stock market participants’ motivation on their behavior.] Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25(1), 27-52.
Obermaier, M., Haim, M., & Reinemann, C. (2014). Emotionen bewegen? Ein Experiment zur Wirkung von Medienbeiträgen mit Emotionalisierungspotenzial auf Emotionen, politische Partizipationsabsichten und weiterführende Informationssuche. [Moving emotions? An experiment on the impact of emotional media contributions on emotions, political participation, and further information-seeking.] Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 62(2), 216-235. *