Keyword: experimental setting
Haim, M. (2023). Computational Communication Science: Eine Einführung. [Computational Communication Science: Introduction.] Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Haim, M. & Jungblut, M. (5/2021). How open is communication science? Analyzing open-science principles in communication science and psychology. Presented at the 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Denver.
Arendt, F., Haim, M., & Beck, J. (2019). Fake News, Warnhinweise und perzipierter Wahrheitsgehalt: Zur unterschiedlichen Anfälligkeit für Falschmeldungen in Abhängigkeit von der politischen Orientierung. [Fake news, warning labels and perceived truth: Differential susceptibility for fake news depending on political orientation.] Publizistik, 64(2), 181-204.
Haim, M., Graefe, A., & Brosius, H.-B. (2018). Burst of the Filter Bubble? Effects of personalization on the diversity of Google News. Digital Journalism, 6(3), 330-343.
Graefe, A., Haim, M., Haarmann, B., & Brosius, H.-B. (2018). Readers' perception of computer-written news: Credibility, expertise, and readability. Journalism, 19(5), 595-610.
Haim, M. & Graefe, A. (2017). Replication Data for: Automatisch interessant? Harvard Dataverse,
Haim, M. & Graefe, A. (2017). Replication Data for: Automated news: Better than expected? Harvard Dataverse,
Haim, M. & Graefe, A. (2017). Automated news: Better than expected? Digital Journalism, 5(6), 1044-1059.
Graefe, A., Haim, M., & Diakopoulos, N. (5/2017). Should news outlets let their readers know that they are reading automated content? Effects of algorithmic transparency on perceptions of automated news. Presented at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego.
Haim, M., Arendt, F., & Scherr, S. (2017). Abyss or shelter? On the relevance of web search engines' search results when people google for suicide. Health Communication, 32(2), 253-258.
Haim, M. (2015). Der Preis der Parteien. Zum Einfluss der Motivation der Teilnehmer von Wahl-Prognosemärkten auf ihr Verhalten. [The parties’ prices. On the influence of political stock market participants’ motivation on their behavior.] Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25(1), 27-52.
Obermaier, M., Haim, M., & Reinemann, C. (2014). Emotionen bewegen? Ein Experiment zur Wirkung von Medienbeiträgen mit Emotionalisierungspotenzial auf Emotionen, politische Partizipationsabsichten und weiterführende Informationssuche. [Moving emotions? An experiment on the impact of emotional media contributions on emotions, political participation, and further information-seeking.] Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 62(2), 216-235. *