Keyword: election forecasting
Haim, M., Pache, S., & Graefe, A. (6/2017). Visualisierte Unsicherheit. Wie (unsichere) Wahlprognosen kommuniziert und verstanden werden können. [Visualized uncertainty. How (uncertain) election forecasts can be communicated and understood.] Invited presentation at DDJ Monaco, Munich.
2016-2019, PollyVote: Computational Campaign Coverage. Funded by the Google Digital News Initiative (round 3).
Haim, M. (12/2016). Wahlprognosen mit [Election forecasting with] Invited presentation at Hacks/Hackers, Munich.
Haim, M. (10/2016). Automatisierter Journalismus am Beispiel des US-Wahlkampfs. [Automated journalism. A case study from the US presidential election.] Invited presentation at BJV, Munich.
Haim, M. (9/2016). Computational Campaign Coverage with the PollyVote (a.k.a. the automated prediction parrot). Invited presentation at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Columbia University, New York.
Haim, M. (9/2016). Computational Campaign Coverage with the PollyVote (a.k.a. the automated prediction parrot). Invited presentation at Botland, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, New York.
Graefe, A. & Haim, M. (7/2016). Roboterjournalismus und Wahlprognosen . [Robot journalism and election forecasting.] Invited presentation at Hacks/Hackers, Munich.
2016: Visiting scholar to the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School, New York, NY. The visit dealt with both automated journalism throughout the course of the Computational Campaign Coverage project and the influence of audience metrics on online newsrooms.
2015-2016, Computational Campaign Coverage. Funded by Columbia University's Tow Center for Digital Journalism.
2015-2016, Data-Driven Campaign Coverage. Funded by the Volkswagenstiftung.
Haim, M. (2015). Der Preis der Parteien. Zum Einfluss der Motivation der Teilnehmer von Wahl-Prognosemärkten auf ihr Verhalten. [The parties’ prices. On the influence of political stock market participants’ motivation on their behavior.] Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25(1), 27-52.