Popularity indicators in online media. A review of research on the effects of metric user information
- insert_drive_file Peer-Reviewed Presentations
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Internet users are constantly confronted with metric information about the popularity of goods, services, or content. These popularity cues (PCs)—which we define as metric information about users’ behavior or their evaluations of entities—serve as social signals for users who are confronted with them. Due to the high relevance of PCs for organizations, consumers, and, not least, scholars, this article provides a systematic overview of PC research. First, we suggest a theoretical conceptualization for the effects of PCs. Second, we analyze empirical research that deals with PCs by providing a review of academic, peer-reviewed studies on direct effects of PCs in online media (n = 61). Third, we utilize the results of our review to address current shortcomings and provide insights for future research.
Kümpel, A. S. & Haim, M. (10/2016). Popularity indicators in online media. A review of research on the effects of metric user information. Presented at the 17th Conference of the Assocication of Internet Researchers, Berlin. (content_copy)