Keyword: open science

  • Knöpfle, P., Haim, M., & Breuer, J. (2024). Key topic or bare necessity? How research ethics are addressed and discussed in Computational Communication Science. Publizistik, Advance Online Publication.

  • Haim, M. (2023). Computational Communication Science: Eine Einführung. [Computational Communication Science: Introduction.] Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

  • Haim, M. & Jungblut, M. (2023). How open is communication science? Analyzing open-science principles in the field. Annals of the International Communication Association, 47(3), 338-357.

  • M. Haim & C. Puschmann (2023). Analytical Advances through Open Science: Employing a Reference Dataset to Foster Best-Practice Data Validation, Analysis, and Reporting. Digital Journalism.

  • Haim, M. & Jungblut, M. (5/2021). How open is communication science? Analyzing open-science principles in communication science and psychology. Presented at the 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Denver.

  • Breuer, J. & Haim, M. (4/2021). Reproducibility and replicability in computational social science: Challenges and potential solutions. Presented at the Open Science and Replicability in the Behavioural Social Sciences, Chemnitz.

  • Haim, M. (2021). Gütekriterien und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Entwicklung von Forschungssoftware in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. [Quality Criteria and Recommendations for Developing Research Software in Communication Science.] Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 69(1), 65-79. *

  • Puschmann, C. & Haim, M. (2020). useNews. OSF,

  • Haim, M., Stier, S., & Breuer, J. (5/2020). Open science vs. privacy? A case study with linked web tracking, social media, and survey data. Presented at the 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast.