Keyword: diffusion
Haim, M., Breuer, J., & Stier, S. (2021). Do news actually "find me"? Using digital behavioral data to study the news-finds-me phenomenon. Social Media + Society, 7(3).
Haim, M. (6/2020). Distribution im Online-Journalismus. [Distribution in Online Journalism.] Invited presentation at Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften BBAW, Berlin.
Brosius, H.-B. & Haim, M. (2019). Agenda-Setting in der Onlinewelt: Empirische Befunde in einem dynamischen Forschungsfeld. [Agenda setting in the online world: Empirical findings in a dynamic field of research.] In T. Eberwein & C. Wenzel (eds.), Changing Media - Changing Democracy? (S. 33-52). Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Brosius, H.-B., Haim, M., & Weimann, G. (2019). Diffusion as a future perspective of agenda setting. The Agenda Setting Journal, 3(2), 175-190.
Brosius, H.-B., Haim, M., & Weimann, G. (7/2018). Diffusion as a future perspective of agenda setting. Presented at the 50 Years in Agenda Setting Research, Boulder, CO.