Keyword: data collection
Schwabl, P., Haim, M., & Unkel, J. (2024). Aligning Agent-Based Testing (ABT) with the experimental research paradigm: A literature review and best practices. Journal of Computational Social Science, Advance Online Publication.
Haim, M. (2023). Computational Communication Science: Eine Einführung. [Computational Communication Science: Introduction.] Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Haim, M., Leiner, D., & Hase, V. (2023). Integrating data donations into online surveys. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 71(12), 130-137.
Puschmann, C. & Haim, M. (2020). useNews. OSF,
Haim, M. (2020). Agent-based testing: An automated approach toward artificial reactions to human behavior . Journalism Studies, 21(7), 895-911.
Haim, M. (2019). Capturing the dynamics of online news. In P. Müller, S. Geiß, C. Schemer, T. K. Naab, & C. Peter (eds.), Dynamische Prozesse der öffentlichen Kommunikation. Methodische Herausforderungen (S. 38-56). Köln: Halem.
Haim, M. & Nienierza, A. (2019). Computational observation: Challenges and opportunities of automated observation within algorithmically curated media environments using a browser plug-in. Computational Communication Research, 1(1), 79-102.
Haim, M. (5/2019). Agent-based testing: An automated approach toward artificial reactions to human behavior. Presented at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Washington D.C.
Haim, M. & Nienierza, A. (9/2018). Computational observation: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen automatisierter Beobachtungen in algorithmischen Informationsumgebungen mithilfe eines eigens entwickelten Browser-Plugins. [Computational observation: Challenges and Opportunities of automated observations within algorithmic information environments using a dedicated browser plug-in.] Presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the Methods Division of the DGPuK, Ilmenau. *
Haim, M. (9/2017). Up to date. Zu Aktualisierungsmustern und Änderungsintervallen im Online-Journalismus. [Up to date. Refresh cycles and update patterns in online journalism.] Presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the Methods Division of the DGPuK, Mainz.