Keyword: boundary objects

  • Haim, M. (2024). The German data journalist in 2021. Journalism Practice, 18(6), 1378-1397.

  • Haim, M. & Zamith, R. (2019). Open-source Trading Zones and Boundary Objects: Examining GitHub as a space for collaborating on "news." Media and Communication, 7(4), 80-91.

  • Haim, M. & Zamith, R. (6/2019). Open-source Trading Zones and Boundary Objects: Examining GitHub as a space for advancing and collaborating on "news" Inaugural symposium on Media, Professions and Society, Volda.

  • Haim, M. & Zamith, R. (2019). Replication Data for: Open-source Trading Zones and Boundary Objects: Examining GitHub as a space for collaborating on "news" Harvard Dataverse,

  • Haim, M. & Zamith, R. (5/2019). Open-source Trading Zones and Boundary Objects: Examining GitHub as a space for advancing and collaborating on "news". Presented at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Washington D.C.